Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Microsoft Surface tablet part 2

So after 3 days of heavy use, I have a few more points to make about Surface.

-  The battery life really is as advertised;  It's not the iPad mini's 12 hour battery life (far from it), but it will do 8 hours solid, running at full blast.  That is more than good enough for me.
-  I look forward to using it.  When I get a chance to hold it, I smile.  The beveled edges are very satisfying
-  I keep checking for software updates to make the device better.  I still believe that the software is holding the hardware back.
-  I've decided to keep it (and won't be returning it, provided nothing bad happens over the next few days...)
-  It is a totally different class of device than an iPad.  Totally different, that it doesn't make sense to compare them, even though many people will.
-  The keyboard is as good as needed for me. That being said I also did not have any problems with the iPad touch screen keyboard.  I can type way faster on this thing though.  I don't have to look down, and rarely make mistakes that I wouldn't normally make. 
-  Apps are still anemic, but good thing IE10 is actually pretty good.
-  Buying into the Microsoft ecosystem makes me think about Windows Phone 8.
-  Buying into the Microsoft ecosystem reminds me of how annoyed I am at the cash grab of Xbox live gold
-  I like the idea that the Surface feels very personal to me
-  I keep checking the windows store for new apps, but they are coming out at a trickle.  Things I'm looking for are: Zite, Flipboard, a photo editing app (Photo taking app is useless as the cameras suck) like Snapseed (will never happen because Google bought Nik), Facebook, Twitter.  Everything else, I can do on my phone
-  OH, and HALO WARS.  Come on, Microsoft, release an awesome first party Halo game for WinRT.

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